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Student Policies and Procedures

After School Activities
If you decide to go to a high school event, remember that all school rules are in effect. Be proud of yourself, your family and your school and don’t embarrass yourself.

Attendance Procedures
Any student absent from school must have his/her parent call the school on or before the day of the absence. Parents are to call 248-489-3601 to report an absence or leave a message at any time –including evenings or weekends. When leaving a message on the night tape, please pronounce the child’s name and grade clearly and/or spell the last name. [If you’ve been up until 3:00 a.m. with a sick child, you may appreciate the option to report the child’s absence right then and choose to sleep late.] To obtain a prearranged absence, parents must either send a written request to the school office or call in advance. The note must include the student’s first and last name, grade, and reason for date(s) of absence.

If a child is late for school, they must report to the main office to obtain a late pass. Students leaving school early must sign out in the main office and sign in when returning.

Homework assignments may be arranged with teachers if the student is absent 3 days or longer. These assignments will be for academic classes only, unless other arrangements are made.

Bus Passes
No student is allowed to ride on a bus that is not their normal scheduled bus. There will be no bus passes issued.

Cell Phones
At no time are cell phones allowed to be used (or seen) in school. Once a student enters the school their phone should be turned off put away, preferably in their locker during the day. If a student is caught using their phone without permission the student will be instructed to turn the device into an administrator in the office.  A parent will be contacted and will be requested to retrieve it at the school.

Early Arrival
Do NOT come to school before 7:00 am. You must stay in the cafeteria or hallway until 7:35. You cannot move from place to place. Students are not allowed in the halls until the first bell rings at 7:35 am; including to put an instrument away.

Personal Belongings
Do not leave your belongings in the hall. If you have trouble with your locker, take your things to class. Items picked up in the hall will be placed in the lost and found. Lost lunches will be in the office.

Please keep Phone Numbers and Addresses up-to-date

It is imperative that the school is able to contact a parent in case of emergency. If any of your telephone numbers have changed since the beginning of the school year, we MUST have those numbers on file. This includes, home numbers, voice mail numbers, work numbers where we can speak to a receptionist or someone that can relay a message, and cell phone numbers. Please contact Cindy DePotter in the counseling office to make any necessary changes 248-489-3599 or

Please also remember to keep your address up-to-date. If your family has moved, please contact the counseling office so we can update our records.

Do not ride skateboard or roller blades anywhere on the school property. This includes the loading dock in the back of the school. You risk having your skateboard taken and receiving discipline.

Only come if you want to support our Titans! Students are not allowed to remain at school unsupervised before the games begin.  Most athletic events begin at 4:30 pm.  Please be sure that rides home are on time.

To avoid any accidents remember to use the right side of the stairs.

Student Safety-Building Entrance
During school hours the front door is the only entrance available for visitors at East, or any school building. Please press the doorbell, identify yourself, and proceed to the front office once your are buzzed in.  After hours, please find the nearest identified staff member before going to a locker, etc. All Farmington Public Schools employees wear identification badges. Do not be offended if a staff member instructs you to stop and identify yourself. This is for the safety of everybody.

MESSAGES- please remember that we cannot deliver messages to students unless absolutely necessary. Please make sure your child knows who is picking them up, after school plans, etc., before leaving home in the morning. Thank you for your cooperation.