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Counseling Office

EMS Counselors

Ms. Amanda Koch, Counselor
Caseload:  All Grades – Last Name A – K

Stuart Sutherland, Counselor
Caseload: All Grades - Last Name L – Z 

Mrs. Tina Freeman, Secretary

If you would like to speak with your counselor, complete the form below to explain what you wish to speak about, and they will call you down as soon as they can.
Counselor Contact Form

The East Middle School Guidance Program is developed to meet the unique social, personal, and academic needs of middle school students. As an integral part of the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Curriculum adopted by Farmington Public Schools, the program revolves around four component areas. These areas include Guidance, Individual Planning, Responsive Services and System Support.

As counselors, we work closely with students, staff and parents in order to lay a foundation for educational excellence and foster good decision-making which is both self-satisfying and socially responsible. Some of the ways in which we assist include:

  • Personal Counseling
  • Individual Planning of Academic Schedules
  • Academic Monitoring
  • Group Counseling
  • Middle School Transition (6th Grade)
  • High School Transition (8th Grade)

As caring professionals, our counseling department works to create an environment that promotes trust, honesty, and openness among the 550 + students that we serve.  Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service.

Earning High School Credit in Middle School